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Regulations: Where am I?

January 18, 2019

Regulations:  Where am I? by Jim Poesl

Sounds like a ridiculous premise doesn’t it? But it is critical with OSHA Compliance. Knowing which regulations apply to you not only helps protecting workers and mitigates risk, but also helps avoiding fines.  OSHA has several areas of regulations that apply to you. 

How to read a regulation

For example: A regulation is cited as 29CFR1910.1450(a)(2)(i) Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories.

29:  The Title all Department of Labor Regulations are 29, EPA Regulations Start with 40.

CFR: Code of Federal Regulations

Part  1910: This tells you that it is in the General Industry Regulations, as opposed to Construction (1926), Maritime (1915,  1917, 1918), or Agriculture (1928)

1450: That is the section, there are thousands of sections

(a) Paragraph 

(2) Subparagraph

(i) Subparagraph.

What is Construction Work?

In a 2003 Letter of Interpretation OSHA states their policy and quotes their own regulation: 

Construction is defined as  "construction, alteration, and/or repair, including painting and decorating."1 Section 1910.12(a) further provides that OSHA's construction industry standards apply "to every employment and place of employment of every employee engaged in construction work."(Letter to Raymond V. Knobbs, November 18, 2003). 

Presumably if you are not doing construction work then you are doing “General Industry Work” unless your workplace meets the following:

1.    Shipyard (Part 1915.2(a)): Except where otherwise provided, the provisions of this part shall apply to all ship repairing, shipbuilding and shipbreaking employments and related employments.

2.    Marine Terminals (Part 1917.1(a)): “The regulations of this part apply to employment within a marine terminal as defined in § 1917.2, including the loading, unloading, movement or other handling of cargo, ship's stores or gear within the terminal or into or out of any land carrier, holding or consolidation area, any other activity within and associated with the overall operation and functions of the terminal, such as the use and routine maintenance of facilities and equipment. All cargo transfer accomplished with the use of shore-based material handling devices shall be regulated by this part.” 

3.   Longshoring (1918.1(a)) The regulations of this part apply to longshoring operations and related employments aboard vessels. All cargo transfer accomplished with the use of shore-based material handling devices is covered by part 1917 of this chapter.

4.    Agriculture (1928): The regulations do not give a definition of agriculture but other government definitions commonly refer to "farms as any land used to produce crops, livestock, specialty livestock, or grazing and include woodland and wasteland not under cultivation or used for pasture or grazing." According to some regulations a farm is any place from which $1,000 or more of agricultural products were produced and sold, or normally would have been sold during the census year (

To further add confusion, if you are at an oil terminal, although it is a terminal, it is covered under General Industry or Construction regulations; The agriculture regulations incorporate several regulations from General Industry.

General Duty Clause

So “knowing where you are in the regulation” should direct you to which regulations apply to you.  But there is always the “General Duty Clause” from the Occupational Safety and Health Act: 

“(a) Each employer—

(1)  Shall furnish to each of his employees employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees;

(2)  Shall comply with occupational safety and health standards promulgated under this Act.

(b) Each employee shall comply with occupational safety and health standards and all rules, regulations, and orders issued pursuant to this Act which are applicable to his own actions and conduct.”

This is a “catch all” stating that you must protect your employees even if there is no OSHA Regulation.  It is enforced in several different ways, but usually if there is an incorporation of an industry standard the standard will reference it.

Some food for thought:  Sometimes people unknowingly become construction workers while they are office workers.  That means that they must comply with construction regulations.  For example, you tell your administrative assistant to decorate for a holiday party.  They are covered under the construction regulation.  You hire “summer help” to paint an office, they are construction workers. If you are “abrasive blasting” for the purposes of inspection inside of a tank, you are covered by the “General Industry” Confined Space Entry Regulations.  But if you are “abrasive blasting” in that same tank to repaint it, now it is construction work covered by the Confined Space Entry Regulations for Construction that are substantially different.

Knowing where you are gives you a good starting point.  If you are not sure, contact JCP Technical Services and we can assist you in determining the  regulations that apply to you.  Call us at 201-984-5625 or email us at

February 21, 2021
OSHA Inspection Priorities Penalties for 2021 as of 1/15/2021 Note this information may change at any time.   Determined by the Area Director listed in 29CFR1903. Inspections, Citations and Proposed Penalties.    ...... Violation Penalty Willful: Employers who show and intentional or careless disregard.    Possible criminal violations if there is a fatality. $9735 to $136,532 Repeated Violation: If it is the same violation within 3 years at any location. Up to $136,532 Serious Violation:  These violations impact safety and are perceived to pose a significant risk of death.........
November 3, 2020
Recently I attended the fall protection competent person class at Honeywell.  One of the questions from a student was “Can I use both clips of a double legged lanyard on the same anchorage”.  Some of these lanyards are also called “Y-lanyards” or “Twin-Leg Lanyards”.    Let’s review some fall protection basics   1.     OSHA requires free falls of less than 6 feet and a maximum arresting force of 1800 lbs. a.     1926.502(d)(16)(ii) limit maximum arresting force on an employee to 1,800 pounds (8 kN) when used with a body harness; b.     1926.502(d)(16)(iii) be rigged such that an ...
October 16, 2020
Pushback and Tactics Faced by Safety Professionals (and other people too!) By Jim Poesl ©2020 During safety training younger safety people or managers ask, “How do I manage a workforce that often is 100% against safety?” First of all, the workforce is not “100% against safety” the workforce wants to work safely.  The discussion should be how do we attain a safe workplace? Finding common ground, common goals, patience and understanding is a good starting point. If you don’t have these your job becomes much harder and jobsite less safe. My training classes include the classic Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky.  Alinsky wrote the book to teach progressives to implement ...
December 5, 2019
First Aid and CPR Requirements for Construction Sites by Jim Poesl, December 2019   Few topics raise more controversy in the “back office” of companies than First Aid and CPR requirements at construction jobs. After all of the training required by the state and OSHA this normally “falls through the cracks.”  Some companies feel that First Aid CPR training is all that is necessary and neglect everything else.  As a result, safety takes a back seat to emergency response.   So in response to some of the feedback we have received I will answer what OSHA requirements are for First Aid and CPR, through their Letters of Interpretation and Regulations.    Question 1:  .........
November 12, 2019
Beware of Mold Assessment Scamsters. by Jim Poesl I am basically out of the mold assessment and indoor air quality business but I still do it for friends and family members. One of the reasons is that it is rife with fraud and frankly I can't compete with fraudsters out there that give very compelling cases for thousands of dollars in "mold remediation". Recently a friend of the family asked me to look at one of his properties where there was a minor gutter leak that was fixed and all components that were impacted with water were removed, repaired, or replaced. The tenant hired a company that advertised on-line to do a "mold inspection". I was asked to evaluate the recommendations. Here are some of my comments: ...
May 8, 2019
Day 3 National Stand-Down for Fall Protection. Portable Ladder Safety. Day 1 and 2 dealt with the Hierarchy of Controls, Inspection, and the ABC’s of Fall Protection.  Day 3 is Ladder Safety.  Recently I did a ladder safety class for a client and brought my own ladders.  On the way home I picked up my daughter who was 3-years old at the time.  She asked why I had ladders in my truck.  I told her I was teaching people how to safely climb ladders.  She then said “People really don’t know how to use ladders?”  It surprised her but it also surprises many people that their employees do not know how to use ladders.   Some general rules on ladders:...
May 8, 2019
Day 2 National Fall Protection Stand-Down ABCs of Fall Protection and Equipment Inspection   Yesterday we wrote about the Fall Protection Hierarchy of Controls.  That is eliminate the hazard before you need to implement further controls.  For Day 2 we will assume that you determined you need to wear fall protection or a fall restraint system.  Both systems have the same inspection requirements.  For a review each system has:   ·     An anchorage connector.  What you use to connect to an anchorage point. o  Note: Anchorage points need to meet a 5000 lb. limit for fall protection and 3000 lb. limit for fall restraint; or double the...
May 7, 2019
May 6, 2019 Welcome to Day 1 of the “National Safety Stand-Down To prevent Falls in Construction”.  Every year the industry sets aside a week to raise awareness of fall hazards in the workplace in an effort to stop fall fatalities and injuries.  In 2017 (the last year data is available) 366 of 971 construction fatalities were falls.    An easy way to have a “Stand-Down” is to set aside your normal weekly safety meeting and dedicate it to preventing falls in your workplace.  If you don’t have a weekly safety meeting, do a lunch or coffee break meeting, or a meeting before work.  Watch a Youtube™ video like Miller’s Fall Protection Road Show. &...
April 28, 2019
Today is worker’s Memorial Day.  The day we mark the previous year’s workplace fatalities.  These workers leave behind friends and families that never recover emotionally and  financially from  fatalities.  According to the National Safety Council, workplace deaths that were not preventable were 733 out of 5147 fatalities.  This statistic completely destroys the assertion that workplace fatalities are just “accidents” and “it was there time to die” that most safety people hear when managing a fatality.   In one conversation I had during an accident investigation that was entirely preventable I asked the worker who didn’t see “the ...
April 16, 2019
This post is from NBC News.  The general public is now becoming more aware of falls at work being a leading cause of injuries.  Now NBC has reported on it.  Click here for more information. Contact us for helping us to prevent fall protection injuries contact us at or 201-984-5625.  
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